Monday, February 15, 2010

My Life-Post Graduation

My future sewing room vision!

I am graduating college (for the 2nd time) in about a year. The first time I sat around a few weeks before thinking how bored I was going to be without having the classes, homework ect ect. The thought has crossed my mind several times but I have plenty of hobbies now that I cannot wait to spend my spare time doing.

I absolutely love to read fashion magazines, and Project Runway is my favorite show on television. (Well tied for first with True Blood) I aspire to design and make my own clothes constantly. When I watch PR, I find myself critiquing the contestants designs and sometimes I even come up with what I might do for that specific challenge. On top of clothing I love jewelry and like designing/making jewelry. Basically when I graduate from VU I am going to start making my own clothing/jewelry! Obviously my creations are first will probably be awful (the clothing, I already can make jewelry pretty nicely if I saw so myself) but I know after a lot of practice (well I hope!) that I (might) get pretty good at it. I've already requested from my husband, father and mother that I get a sewing machine and dress form for my graduation gift!

My graduation present!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Justin & Meekers

A few years ago we rescued a kitten from my sister's workplace. She was only 3 or 4 weeks old when we got her, she got seperated from her mama and was starving. We didn't realize how much this little cat would mean to us. She is like our child.

It's not secret that she likes Justin better. They spend afternoons together and he has never taken her to the vet! I guarantee if he took her to the vet she would probably cling onto me more. :)

They've had some pretty cute moments together that luckily I've been able to capture with my handy dandy camera!

Sunday afternoon nap

Meeks stealing the computer to check her facebook!

You know shes super comfy when he lays with
her paws in the air.

Chilling on Justin's lap. She was probably jealous
because he had been reading all afternoon.

Eskimo Kisses to the cutest kitty EVER!

New Year's Resolutions.

Every single year, I make resolutions that I never ever keep. This year I am making a promise to myself that I am keeping all of my resolutions. Here's what I got thus far.

1) Eat Healthier.
-This is always #1 on my list each year. I got 4 vegetarian cookbooks for Christmas so I have absolutely NO EXCUSES!

2) Exercise more.
-I just purchased a Ipod Touch (I can now walk by myself without feeling foolish), I spent some of my mark. rewards points on a pilates exercise ball set. Plus, I own several Biggest Loser DVD workouts that are great (and very challenging). I make every excuse in the book to avoid them.

3) When the farmer's market starts up, go buy fresh veggies, fruits, ect weekly.
-I'd just rather give my money to local farmers than walmart. :)

4) Be more patient. Especially with Justin.

5) Read more.
-I read a lot but there are so many books I want to read.

6) Focus on the positive instead of the negative.

7) Craft more.
- I love crafts, just never make time for them. I own so much scrapbooking, crocheting, and beading stuff its ridiculous.

8) Bake more.
-Kind of goes against my eat healthier resolution but there are healthier vegan recipes I want to test. Plus my hubby is one of those lucky folks that can eat and eat and not gain an ounce so more for him! :)

9) Spoil my nephews rotten.
- I know I will have NO PROBLEM keeping this resolution.

10) Have at least ONE date night once a month with Justin. Even if its just staying home, watching a PPV movie.

I'm ready for 2010!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hello Everyone in Blog World! I hope this finds you having a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Justin and I are having a fantastic 6th Christmas together. I cannot believe we've have 6 together already. Time flies so fast. I am so proud of him, this morning he actually drank Coffee! Of course, the coffee I make is mostly creamer and barely any coffee. We exchanged our gifts this morning. For the second year in a row all we got each other was books. Which I wouldn't have any other way. I love to read and so does he. Next year we are going to suprise each other instead of knowing what we get. I miss when I was younger and Christmas was so exciting. Maybe next year since I'll have 2 nephews, Christmas will be exciting like it was when I was 7.

Last night we had the Deimel Christmas out at Johnny and Michelles. A lot of good food, many laughs and a gift exchange. I was so excited to get a new vegetarian cookbook from Frank. I cannot wait to try a few recipes. I think the first one will be the Grilled Artichokes with Vegan Ceasar dressing. Today we have lunch at Chinese with the Hatten's and tomorrow my family is getting together at my sister's. I will post pictures tomorrow of all our festivities! Merry Christmas Everyone! :)


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Deleted and Restarted.

As many of you may or may not know, I am a procratinator, and I'm kind of lazy. I've been a naughty blogger, I've neglected it since last February. So I cleaned house, deleted all the old posts and am starting new! I vow to keep up with this one. A lot has changed since last february. I am now the proud Aunt to Sailor Finnian. He was welcomed into the world back in July. He is now 5 months, and so so smart. Rows over like a champ, I swear he could take of crawling any day now. He is growing way too quickly for my taste, and I know my sister and brother-in-law feel the same way.

I am still trudging my way through school while working full-time. It is extremely difficult at times but I know that it will be so worth it someday. I just finished my 3rd semester. Passed all my finals. (It's amazing what happens when you study!) I am down to my final 3 semesters and they cannot go by quick enough. I know I know I don't want to wish my life away.

I'm off to crochet some more!