Monday, February 15, 2010

My Life-Post Graduation

My future sewing room vision!

I am graduating college (for the 2nd time) in about a year. The first time I sat around a few weeks before thinking how bored I was going to be without having the classes, homework ect ect. The thought has crossed my mind several times but I have plenty of hobbies now that I cannot wait to spend my spare time doing.

I absolutely love to read fashion magazines, and Project Runway is my favorite show on television. (Well tied for first with True Blood) I aspire to design and make my own clothes constantly. When I watch PR, I find myself critiquing the contestants designs and sometimes I even come up with what I might do for that specific challenge. On top of clothing I love jewelry and like designing/making jewelry. Basically when I graduate from VU I am going to start making my own clothing/jewelry! Obviously my creations are first will probably be awful (the clothing, I already can make jewelry pretty nicely if I saw so myself) but I know after a lot of practice (well I hope!) that I (might) get pretty good at it. I've already requested from my husband, father and mother that I get a sewing machine and dress form for my graduation gift!

My graduation present!